We don’t sell equipment (but we DO have our favorites..)
Our evaluators’ personal top picks for ergonomic equipment
Exercise equipment: Does it belong at the desk?
4 ways to work in more movement at your desk, while keeping it safe.
Is Standing All Day Better for You?
The intention of a sit/stand desk isn’t to make you to stand all day - it’s to provide you with a choice.
Sit/Stand Desk FAQs
Many people have questions about sit/stand desks, such as: Is one right for me? We are here to answer all of your questions!
Does Your Keyboard Fit?
When choosing a keyboard and mouse, it’s all about the way that the device positions your body.
Do You Hate Your Chair?
Even the best chair in the world is going to have to be adjusted before it’s comfortable for the person sitting in it.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Ergonomic Equipment
Always keep the basic principles of ergonomics in mind when you are shopping for an ergonomic product. And ask yourself these five important questions…
3 Tips for Safe Screen Use
You’re spending a lot more time looking at screens than you may realize.
The Myth of Perfect Posture
“You specialize in ergonomics? Oh, no, I better sit up straight!”
6 Tips for Working on the Go
Do you work on the go? Do you frequently find yourself working while on planes, trains, and/or automobiles?
Free Download: Ergonomics Checklists
Use this guide to make adjustments and get a better fit from your workstation.
8 Techniques for Better Stretch Breaks
Here are 8 great stretching techniques that you should know to get the most out of stretching and avoid injury!
4 Ergonomic Risk Factors to Address ASAP
The most common risk factors are often the most overlooked.